Wow, the days are going by! And here I sit, on my couch, my leg up and supported of course, debating the worth of getting up for any given need or desire. To reach my camera to post these pictures? Maybe not worth it. To get my frozen peas for an icing? A bit more valuable.
Last night I woke up at 4:30 feelng pain. On a scale of 1 to 10 of pain I've probably not felt anything greater than 5 or 6 throughout this whole experience, opting instead to load up on drugs whenever I expect the going to get tough. So early this morning I awoke to maybe a 5 or 5.5 pain rating, and despite my efforts at weaning off the percocets, I popped one along with a couple of Tylenol. I think I took Tylenol at that point anyway... hard to recall. I also had a middle of the night bathroom break.
Speaking of bathroom breaks... for those of you who are unawares, percocet does a pretty efficient job at both making me drink lots of water which makes me have to pee quite often, and also keeping my bowels from doing their thang. I went from Monday to Saturday before I got any kind of action in that department! And I think the only thing that got me going was a stool softener my mom gave me along with the reduced pain killer intake. The bagels and chili and everything else I ate all week didn't seem to play a role. Also, getting to the bathroom can be a real challenge. There's only so fast I can crutch and I don't know if I always experienc that kind of urgency or if this is special, but I suppose I can usually react far more immediately.
I digress.
I slept fine for the rest of the night, waking up arond 10 or so. I took the requisite daily leg shots. Check out my bruise! I have great pride in it.
Steve made a plan for us to meet his friend who had spent I think it was 8 hours at the Sunnybrook ER with a twisted shoulder. Another ultimate frisbee injury paying the Sunnybrook doctors' salaries. He lives in my condo building so we all met at this new breakfast place in the awesome Grange foodcourt.
I felt like absolute crap in the food court. I think it was either because of the percocets or because I hadn't had a percocet since 4:30 and I've become an addict, but I felt clammy and feverish and without apppetite and close to tears. A quick fix took care of the problem and I was good to eat my BLT with the rest of 'em.
After breakfast we headed on our way to Loblaw's. We'd called ahead and made sure the electonic cart was available for use. It was! We went through the store, trying to figure out what I'd need for the next couple of weeks or so. Man, this surgery would suck without lots of help. And varied help too.. I don't think Steve could stand it if he lived in this city. Poor guy... Maybe we were pushing it by going out.
Anyway, almost $100 later I think I'm stocked for a while now. Riding in the cart was pretty fun. Though it sucks that you can't reach the things you need and that the crowded aisles are three times more annoying when you're not agile and can sneak by people and things.
Steve is leaving for Hamilton tonight and I've been arranging visits for the next few days. Come by anytime! I'll be here. Except tomorrow when I have my first physio appointment at 10am. I wonder how long it'll take me to crutch over to Dundas and University... Looking forward to getting started on that stuff.
That's all for now. Thanks for the messages and calls, my friends. They're very much appreciated!
Way to go Jess. I am so proud of you. You are taking this episode like a trooper and with your determination I am sure you will be up and aroud in no time. Say hello to M. Bartham tomorrow. I am sure he will remmember me. Call me if you don't think you can make it over there on your crutches and I will come and take you. Love you. Mom
Thanks Mom! You're the best!!
This is real interesting reading. I wish I had done something like this instead of reading magazines and eating chocolates! Was 48kg before all this pain started to invade my life...
You sound like you've got it all under control. I'm at hospital on Wednesday, so I hope they think I'm doing as well as I think I am. Good luck.
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