Saturday, May 10, 2008

where it's at

So I've been torn in the ACL region now since the middle of December. That's almost five months! Hardly believable.

I hardly notice the injury at all, in fact. It's really only the sports that I can't do, as well as the running on the treadmill that I used to do.

Anything streamlined is A-OK; walking, elliptical things, yoga, weights, etc. etc. I can go up and down stairs, I can sit and kneel and do all that stuff. I can even jog. But I can't run at full speed or cut or kick. I guess that's the problem.

Sometimes I wonder whether I should do this surgery. But really, I do want to run at full speed. Don't I?

I'm trying to decide whether I want this blog to be solely about the surgery or about other things too.

I'll consider.

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