Monday, May 12, 2008

No knee action to speak of

I have no knee news for all you kind folks out there today.

Happily, my mother is having herself a surgery of her own in only 11 days. In fact, she's having a double knee replacement surgery. She'll be having quite the experience I'm sure, spending ten days in the hospital and three months recuperating before returning to work. In honour of her newfound spare time and quest for health, I have set her up with a blog of her own. Check her out and do send her some encouraging comments if you're so inclined.

Today was mother's day and to celebrate my dad made lobster which we've never done at home before ever, I don't think. It's not a particularly common dish in the Jewish household. Our nutcrackers didn't work all that well and we all decided that we much prefer steak. No claws.

Speaking of which, my family is in week 6 of an incredible and wonderful weight loss contest. Since we began we've lost a collective 45 pounds or so! There are weekly weigh-ins and monetary prizes and all kinds of excitment!! Tomorrow, being Monday is the official weekly weigh-in and I fear all that raw cookie dough and baked muffin mix will catch up with me. :(

This week I will be... the biggest loser! Damn it.

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