Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Reality hits

Since March I've been able to pretty much forget about my knee problem and my impending surgery. I had no contact at all with the surgeon and I carried on with things.

I attended one physio session to learn some pre-surgery exercises to do and then never really did them. But I have been working out at a gym doing lots of things that basically coincide with the physio things. Balance practice at yoga, muscle strenthening with squats.. you get the pictures. It's been going so well that I never really even feel the lack of stability. I have even been jogging on the treadmill a few times with no problems!

There are things I don't do though, like play ultimate, rollerblade, run at full speed, play soccer, do any of the the cardio classes... make plans to go skiing in the winter. So whenever I wonder whether the surgery is really worth it I ask myself whether I want to do those things again. And I do.

Today, maybe about 4 months after deciding to go ahead with surgery, I got a call from Dr. Marks' office, offering me August 5th as my surgery date. My heart sank. Tears sprung to my eyes. It hadn't occurred to me in a while that this was still happening.

Also, August 5th is only 3 weeks away. Also, it would cut my summer short. Also, my brother Rick gets married on September 7th and that would suck. Also, I'm scared! Like, scared.

I called them back and asked what would happen if I turned down August 5th. "You'd get a September surgery date instead."

Perfect. Sign me up. September is perfect. The summer is coming to a close. It gives me enough time to get off crutches before the snow falls. I'm probably not too busy at work (hell, when am I?)

So yeah, now I know that this is coming up. It's scary, but a vague September date is better than a too-soon August one.

Here we go!

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