Friday, September 5, 2008

New Camera Hooray!

Brother Ricky's getting hitched this weekend, the surgery will provide ample photo ops, I'm going to Mexico in a few months, and a few months later there will be a new baby in our family!

Not to mention the fact that my one year old Olympus is the bane of my existence.

So, yesterday I bought myself a present. And it pleases me to no end.

Here are some test shots comparing Old Olympy to New Canonita.

Test shot 1: Old Olympy

vs New Canonita

Old Olympy!
And new Canonita!
Who knew inanimate objects could bring me so much joy. With this camera, my bed, and my coffee table, not even knee surgery can get me down!!

PS: Four days until surgery. I'm starting to feel the tingles of nervousness returning.

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