Friday, September 26, 2008

Physio session #3

post op 2 weeks and three days

My goal was to reach 105 degrees flexion by today and guess what it was?! 110!! Yahoo!!

I went from 60 to 95 to 110. Normal is 140. My next physio appointment is one week from today so let's shoot for a 125 degree bend by then. Go team!

He said the best exercise by far for working on my bend is the stationary bike so I'm just going to contine doing that. I imagine it will get more and more comfortable as the days go by. Soon maybe I'll even be able to start activating the audio on the televisions! Also I think I'll start swimming next week when my incision is a little more healed up.

I feel ready to ditch one of either the brace or the crutches and he said that the brace can be the first to go. But the protocol from the surgeon said that I'm supposed to wear that thing for five weeks so my physio suggested I call and inquire about that.

I'm feeling quite good about my progress and if anything I'd say seeing the physiotherapist is good for my motivation. He doesn't reall DO all that much. A little bit of gentle massaging, some exercises like pushing my leg in various ways against his resistance, and today he worked on my walking, telling me to remember to bend my leg and things like that.

And that's it! I've gotta go!


Wei said...

Congrats on your progress! Keep it up, but don't push too hard just yet!

Unknown said...

Go team!

Jessica said...

I'll try not too push too hard... what's pushing too hard??

:) yorg